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Index du forum  ~  Liens photo  ~  Miroslav Tichý

» Membre 17
Sam 16 Juil, 05 11:19, Répondre en citant
In his photographs the Czech artist renders a whole universe of female figures. He captures women strolling through the city, sunbathing by the swimming pool, chatting with neighbours, or going shopping. Other women are photographed from the TV screen. Sometimes they are unaware of the observer, sometimes unopposed, sometimes angry. Their ankles, faces and torsos dominate the composition. In a nearly obsessive manner he takes
close to one hundred photographs a day, equipped with archaicly looking instruments that turn out to be self-made cameras. Build from scraps, such as metal plates, crown caps, rubber bands, cardboard, scotch tape, and plexi glass, his awkward yet masterful cameras display an ingenious inventiveness.

Miroslav Tichý
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