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» Christophe
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 7010 Localisation: 95
Mer 17 Jan, 07 19:03, Répondre en citant
desole, c'est en anglais, mais comme c'est pour la gloire internationnale... Wink




Main exhibition Noorderlicht Photofestival 2007


where religion meets the world

The selection for this year's festival has begun, Noorderlicht welcomes submissions and ideas from all over the world

Visit [url] [/url]for conditions and more information

Deadline for submissions: March 1, 2007

Act of Faith
14th Noorderlicht Photofestival
Location: Groningen, The Netherlands
Period: September 16 through October 28, 2007
Opening: Saturday September 15

In one guise or another, religion currently pervades discussion. In a fire fanned by fear of Islam, resorting to religion has become acceptable in the West too.

Faith is back with a vengeance - as a source of certainty and stability, a safe haven, a refuge with its own norms and values, closely connected with the idea of a closed society that is based on tradition and brotherhood.
But what happens when this faith comes in contact with the surrounding world, an open society that is continually changing, based as it is on dialogue among various opinions? Ultimately the separation of church and state is one of the basic principles of Western society, and a globalized world, with its free exchange of goods and ideas, is a source of heresy.

God and Allah, the Vatican and Washington, holy scripture and law books, global and local, love and resentment: The Noorderlicht Photofestival 2007 investigates what happens when faith meets the world around it, where the collisions of different value systems lead to friction.

Act of Faith is an international group exhibition that will be accompanied by a special catalogue. Previous main exhibitions of the festival have drawn enthusiastic responses and are now touring all over the world.

Submissions can be sent directly to the curator:


Nous construisons le monde, alors que nous pensons le percevoir (Paul Watzlawick)
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