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» Christophe
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 7010 Localisation: 95
Dim 26 Mar, 06 20:28, Répondre en citant

Dear Lightleaks magazine subscribers,
Firstly, thank you for making Issue 2 a success so far, we have exceeded Issue 1 sales and are almost 80% sold out of Issue 2.

We are already on the ball for Issue 3, planned to be available in June. But before we announce the theme, we need to draw your attention to our new submission process. From now on, your first source for information on current submissions can be found on our web site page: From that page there is a link to our new submission web page where you will be uploading your low resolution, web-ready submission. We are no longer accepting high resolution submissions to our gmail email address, or any other email address.

So, for Issue 3, we are looking for a single toy camera submission per photographer on the following theme:

My Space: an intimate look at where I am. Show us a place you call home, a place you live or a place close to your heart. Clue us in on your surroundings.

So get out there and start toy camera shooting, and we'll be looking forward to receiving your submission using our new submission function available at

Deadline for submissions is April 30th!

Have fun!

Lightleaks magazine.


Nous construisons le monde, alors que nous pensons le percevoir (Paul Watzlawick)
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