Auteur |
Message |
» Alphonse Tram
Messages: 216
Localisation: France |
Messages: 4215
Localisation: Lille |
Mer 29 Mar, 06 17:28, |
The complete serial number you entered is 5c810900719.
Your camera has the Alpha 1 shutter design with the Alpha "K" focus wheel.
Your camera is probably an original SX-70 or Alpha / Alpha 1.
The serial number itself is: 9007
Your camera was made on March 7, 1978 during the A shift.
Hé hé 1978, qui dit mieux  |
_________________ needs you ! |
» sim
Messages: 145
Localisation: Bruxelles |
Mer 29 Mar, 06 18:06, |
Le 1er:
The complete serial number you entered is 5m846880258.
Your camera has the Alpha 1 shutter design with the Alpha "K" focus wheel.
Your camera is probably an SX-70 Sonar OneStep.
The serial number itself is: 68802
Your camera was made on December 20, 1978 during the A shift.
le 2ème:
The complete serial number you entered is 0c520673607.
Your camera has the original SX-70 shutter electronic design ("hybrid shutter").
Your camera is probably an SX-70 model 2 or Alpha 2.
The serial number itself is: 6736
Your camera was made on March 3, 1975 during the A shift.
_________________ >> L'affaire Kennedy enfin élucidée !! << |
» aurelien
Messages: 337
Localisation: paris |
Mer 29 Mar, 06 18:14, |
The complete serial number you entered is L304821922.
Your camera has the original SX-70 shutter electronic design ("hybrid shutter").
Your camera is probably an original SX-70 or Alpha / Alpha 1.
The serial number itself is: 48219
Your camera was made on November 8, 1973 during the A shift.
_________________ |
» APSAM Nicolas
Messages: 1181
Localisation: Lyon |
Mer 29 Mar, 06 18:14, |
The complete serial number you entered is 5D724560552.
Your camera has the Alpha 1 shutter design with the Alpha "K" focus wheel.
Your camera is probably an SX-70 model 2 or Alpha 2.
The serial number itself is: 45605
Your camera was made on April 18, 1977 during the A shift. |
_________________ Personal & Commissioned
Dnicolas.FR - Photographe
Photographies et faire-part de Mariage |
» MoiMM
Messages: 1060
Localisation: Nougat Land |
Mer 29 Mar, 06 18:22, |
Bon moi je concours pas pour le plus vieux ... mais j'ai une chance pour le sx-70 le plus récent !!
Citation: The complete serial number you entered is 5e140494813.
Your camera has the Alpha 1 shutter design with the Alpha "K" focus wheel.
Your camera is probably an SX-70 Sonar OneStep.
The serial number itself is: 4948
Your camera was made on May 5, 1981 during the A shift. |
_________________ ...
My Polanoid I My Flickr I |
» biogon
Messages: 2366
Localisation: boulogne 92 |
Mer 29 Mar, 06 18:45, |
The SX-70 serial number calculator has determined the following statistics about your camera:
The complete serial number you entered is 0k503489367.
Your camera has the original SX-70 shutter electronic design ("hybrid shutter").
Your camera is probably an original SX-70 or Alpha / Alpha 1.
The serial number itself is: 34893
Your camera was made on October 23, 1975 during the A shift. |
_________________ jeu: marquer le plus de points
ma page sur polanoid |
Messages: 4215
Localisation: Lille |
Mer 29 Mar, 06 19:07, |
aurelien a écrit: The complete serial number you entered is L304821922.
Your camera has the original SX-70 shutter electronic design ("hybrid shutter").
Your camera is probably an original SX-70 or Alpha / Alpha 1.
The serial number itself is: 48219
Your camera was made on November 8,1973 during the A shift.

Pfouu 1973 , Frimeur !!!!! |
_________________ needs you ! |
» trucnul
Messages: 628
Localisation: + 4 1 |
Mer 29 Mar, 06 19:18, |
| dans la série.... "ki cé ka la plu grande..... "
The complete serial number you entered is l427553758.
Your camera has the original SX-70 shutter electronic design ("hybrid shutter").
Your camera is probably an SX-70 model 2 or Alpha 2.
The serial number itself is: 75537
Your camera was made on November 20, 1974 during the A shift.
_________________ p l u s d e g r a i n . . . sur
et plus de tout sur flickR |
» spike
Messages: 349
Localisation: 2.41°/48.77° |
Mer 29 Mar, 06 19:37, |
Your camera has the Alpha 1 shutter design with the Alpha "K" focus wheel.
Your camera is probably an SX-70 model 2 or Alpha 2.
The serial number itself is: 91484
Your camera was made on March 30, 1979 during the A shift. |
» Membre 133
Mer 29 Mar, 06 19:39, |
J'en ai toujours pas un!  |
» pask
Messages: 4742
Localisation: Nice |
Mer 29 Mar, 06 20:53, |
Aurelien, le mien est plus vieux de 6 jours
(et toujours en superbe etat)
Citation: The SX-70 serial number calculator has determined the following statistics about your camera:
The complete serial number you entered is l302790804.
Your camera has the original SX-70 shutter electronic design ("hybrid shutter").
Your camera is probably an original SX-70 or Alpha / Alpha 1.
The serial number itself is: 27908
Your camera was made on November 2, 1973 during the A shift.
? |
_________________ h0lg4 /
fb / Pro |
» aurelien
Messages: 337
Localisation: paris |
» Membre 133
Ven 31 Mar, 06 3:39, |
Si cette information d'un membre de Polanoid (qui cherche des Magicubes comme moi pour le Big Shot) est vraie, je pense que les prix vont baisser ou alors j'en aurai un de 2006!
Citation: Just announced:
Polaroid is re-releasing the SX-70 camera as a limited edition item. It will be the Sx-70 "Platinum Edition" (probably because they already did the gold ones that everyone fakes on eBay and sells to unsuspecting marks). The Platinum version will take standard Time Zero, which will be re-released on a limited run as well. Polaroid Japan will be handling production, with 10,000 cameras set for November 2006 release (just in time for the holidays!). Retail price is expected to be around US $250. Also, a new suite of manipulation tools will be packaged with the camera. No details on these yet.
Pretty fucking exciting, eh? Are you excited just reading that?
» Membre 133
Ven 31 Mar, 06 9:40, |
Finalement Deloo, ce matin je me suis énervé sur le SX-70 Alpha 1 model 2 acheté 15,50€ tout pourri que j'arrivais meme plus a fermer, j'ai arraché la couverture de dessous, viré 4 vis et enlevé le cache noir, j'ai passé un coup de pinceau pour epoussetter, mis une cartouche vide et il marche!
Vu que le mec m'a remboursé il m'aura couté 6,20€ qui dit mieux!
Résultat :
Citation: The complete serial number you entered is 40725796161.
Your camera has the Alpha 1 shutter design with the "hybrid" focus wheel.
Your camera is probably an SX-70 model 2 or Alpha 2.
The serial number itself is: 57961
Your camera was made on 21, 1977 during the A shift. |
Messages: 4215
Localisation: Lille |
Ven 31 Mar, 06 9:51, |
Antoine a écrit: Finalement Deloo, ce matin je me suis énervé sur le SX-70 Alpha 1 model 2 acheté 15,50€ tout pourri que j'arrivais meme plus a fermer, j'ai arraché la couverture de dessous, viré 4 vis et enlevé le cache noir, j'ai passé un coup de pinceau pour epoussetter, mis une cartouche vide et il marche!
Vu que le mec m'a remboursé il m'aura couté 6,20€ qui dit mieux!
Résultat :
Citation: The complete serial number you entered is 40725796161.
Your camera has the Alpha 1 shutter design with the "hybrid" focus wheel.
Your camera is probably an SX-70 model 2 or Alpha 2.
The serial number itself is: 57961
Your camera was made on 21, 1977 during the A shift.
Hé hé ça valais le coup de s'énerver  |
_________________ needs you ! |
» Membre 133
Ven 31 Mar, 06 9:57, |
Le truc le plus important pour la prise de vue les gars c'est la propreté du miroir, car aprés les petites taches blanches qu'on voit au scan c'est la poussiere sur le miroir. |
» ska_rabe
Messages: 1144
Localisation: Rouen |
Ven 31 Mar, 06 11:06, |
The SX-70 serial number calculator has determined the following statistics about your camera:
The complete serial number you entered is C411489762.
Your camera has the original SX-70 shutter electronic design ("hybrid shutter").
Your camera is probably an original SX-70 or Alpha / Alpha 1.
The serial number itself is: 14897
Your camera was made on March 21, 1974 during the B shift. |
_________________ j u l i e n c r e s p y . c o m |
» Pierre Yves
Messages: 1671
Localisation: Naoned |
Ven 31 Mar, 06 12:34, |
ska_rabe a écrit: Your camera was made on March 21, 1974 during the B shift. Oh un B shift, c'est plus rare apparemment
Ils faisaient quoi 23h shift A et 1h shift B  |
_________________ Avec les grains d'argent, peindre la lumière |
» Alphonse Tram
Messages: 216
Localisation: France |
Ven 31 Mar, 06 12:44, |
Pierre Yves a écrit: ska_rabe a écrit: Your camera was made on March 21, 1974 during the B shift. Oh un B shift, c'est plus rare apparemment
Ils faisaient quoi 23h shift A et 1h shift B 
J'ai pas pris le temps de regarder pour les miens...
C'est quoi le A ou le B Shift, pas compris  |
_________________ Ma galerie... ici |
» Pierre Yves
Messages: 1671
Localisation: Naoned |
Ven 31 Mar, 06 12:49, |
Alphonse Tram a écrit: C'est quoi le A ou le B Shift, pas compris  Shift c'est les roulements dans une usine... les "trois 8" quoi.  |
_________________ Avec les grains d'argent, peindre la lumière |
» Alphonse Tram
Messages: 216
Localisation: France |
Ven 31 Mar, 06 12:55, |
Pierre Yves a écrit: Alphonse Tram a écrit: C'est quoi le A ou le B Shift, pas compris  Shift c'est les roulements dans une usine... les "trois 8" quoi. 
ok, merci  |
_________________ Ma galerie... ici |
» Soreal
Messages: 3740
Localisation: Haute Loire. |
Ven 31 Mar, 06 13:10, |
The SX-70 serial number calculator has determined the following statistics about your camera:
The complete serial number you entered is 5j841239628.
Your camera has the Alpha 1 shutter design with the Alpha "K" focus wheel.
Your camera is probably an SX-70 Sonar OneStep.
The serial number itself is: 12396
Your camera was made on September 10, 1978 during the A shift and was designed especially for you. |
» Katharsis
Attentat Master
Messages: 4468
Ven 31 Mar, 06 13:45, |
Soreal a écrit: The SX-70 serial number calculator has determined the following statistics about your camera:
The complete serial number you entered is 5j841239628.
Your camera has the Alpha 1 shutter design with the Alpha "K" focus wheel.
Your camera is probably an SX-70 Sonar OneStep.
The serial number itself is: 12396
Your camera was made on September 10, 1978 during the A shift and was designed especially for you.
_________________ Faut Noter, Faut Noter |
» Guillaume
Messages: 3583
Ven 31 Mar, 06 16:30, |
The complete serial number you entered is 5L847355364.
Your camera has the Alpha 1 shutter design with the Alpha "K" focus wheel.
Your camera is probably an SX-70 Sonar OneStep.
The serial number itself is: 73553
Your camera was made on November 22, 1978 during the A shift.
il est un peu plus jeune que celui de soreal |
» Pierre
Messages: 660
Localisation: Bretagne |
Ven 31 Mar, 06 23:08, |
maintenant que vous connaissez les dates de naissances de vos SX70, vous allez fêter leurs anniversaires ?
» pask
Messages: 4742
Localisation: Nice |
Sam 01 Avr, 06 0:38, |
moques toi tiens, a que oui je vais lui peut etre meme lui reprendre du consommable pour la peine :) |
_________________ h0lg4 /
fb / Pro |
» popolino
Messages: 451
Localisation: angoulême(16) |
Sam 01 Avr, 06 1:50, |
woaaa !!! il est plus vieux que moi
The complete serial number you entered is h404618185.
Your camera has the original SX-70 shutter electronic design ("hybrid shutter").
Your camera is probably an original SX-70 or Alpha / Alpha 1.
The serial number itself is: 46181
Your camera was made on August 29, 1974 during the A shift. |
Messages: 4215
Localisation: Lille |
Sam 01 Avr, 06 8:04, |
Pierre a écrit: maintenant que vous connaissez les dates de naissances de vos SX70, vous allez fêter leurs anniversaires ?

_________________ needs you ! |
» Membre 70
Sam 01 Avr, 06 10:34, |
Mes deux sx sont dans leur 27 ème année, longue vie pour eux  |