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» billschwab
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 15 Localisation: Detroit
Lun 31 Oct, 05 2:18, Répondre en citant
Since finding this site I have been going through dusty boxes to find older, manipulated sx-70's I was playing with at the time. Unfortunately I have found only a few that were not given away back then. I enjoyed disturbing the emulsion as it was processing and would draw into them as well. I remember being fond of this one which is why it survives in my archives I suppose.


» pask
h0lg4dmin Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 4742 Localisation: Nice
Lun 31 Oct, 05 9:14, Répondre en citant
Hi Bill,

So it's the famous manipulable sx film (no more available). Even if i'm not a big fan of those manipulation in generally, i must say that your result is great. I agree with you concerning the fact that it's almost impossible to not give the pola around. I generaly shot twice and keep the better shot for me Mr. Green

From your archive, do you find any time-effect on those sx film ? colors changes or so ?

Tks to share you dusty archives with us Bill Very Happy

h0lg4 /
fb / Pro
» Katharsis
Attentat Master Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 4468
Lun 31 Oct, 05 10:27, Répondre en citant
You've got some very nice dusty stuffs Wink I love this one.
Looks like some old paintings on the wall of a grand mother house.
Childhood memories Wink

So, you're not playing with polaroid anymore ?
» guillaume31
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 9701 Localisation: Toulouse
Lun 31 Oct, 05 12:27, Répondre en citant
nice result !
» billschwab
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 15 Localisation: Detroit
Lun 31 Oct, 05 17:56, Répondre en citant
pask a écrit:
Even if i'm not a big fan of those manipulation in generally, i must say that your result is great...

From your archive, do you find any time-effect on those sx film ? colors changes or so ?

Hello Pask,

Yes.. I wasn't aware until recently that this was not possible anymore. I too was not a huge fan, but tried it with a class I was teaching at the time. It was a popular thing with the students and fun to try. They were easy to grow bored of quickly as the results were always very much the same.

As for any time effect... the colors are pretty much as I remember them, but I have noticed on several that there is a browning of the paper frame near the image. The 2 that I posted were almost perfect, but had been in an acid-free storage box for the last 14 years.

I did see a few original images Walker Evans did near the end of his life that still looked very good. I think they were done in 1973, so that puts them at 30+ years.

» Anemone
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 171 Localisation: Californie (ces temps-ci)
Lun 31 Oct, 05 23:41, Répondre en citant
Ha! It's the first time I've actually really liked this type of fiddling with polaroid film. In your picture, it gives a bit of a Van Gogh effect on a Monet pond... Very Happy

Sophie Lagacé
» Katharsis
Attentat Master Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 4468
Lun 31 Oct, 05 23:50, Répondre en citant
30 years Shocked I didn't think it was possible to keep them so long.
They must have been kept in a very good place.
» billschwab
Voir le profil de l'utilisateur Messages: 15 Localisation: Detroit
Mar 01 Nov, 05 18:27, Répondre en citant
Katharsis a écrit:
30 years Shocked I didn't think it was possible to keep them so long.
They must have been kept in a very good place.

Hello Katharsis,

I have other polaroids ("Swinger, etc") that were done back when I was a child in the 60's that still look as good as they ever did aside from some discoloration on the borders. They have been in simple photo albums and not cared for to any extreme.

Here is a link to a book done of these Walker Evans images if interested...
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